Clara Mohammed School Philosophy


Imam W. Deem Mohammed         

  "I mentioned recently during an  interview

....I mentioned that the curriculum….education...needs to focus on the natural world order and the human mind relationship to that natural world  order.”  First Sunday Address, April 9, 2006

 Philosophy your course of study to its logical conclusion. Study the History of it, meaning the Subject Matter! This will always keep you connected with the source of it all, G-d.

We believe that the common essence of the human being is the cornerstone of    society. The educational environment of our school reflects this central them of education, while at the same time, give independent treatment to the multi-cultural American history.


We provide a nurturing educational environment that encourages the growth of the excellent nature that G-d has created in each human being.


Our school goals are as follows:

¨ To instill in the consciousness of each student a sense of family, community, national and global responsibility in daily life.

¨ To inspire a wholesome appreciation for the value of religion in human life.

¨ To develop skills and values that will prepare the student for intellectual challenges for further study and will enable the individual to be a productive contributing member of the society.

¨ To address the concerns of society and provide common sense solutions to the problems.

Our school’s warm, informal setting will generate a caring, trusting atmosphere, which unites students and staff in a harmonious relationship dignified by mutual respect.